assault, fight & rape the standard bearer
Defense of Sevastopol & other wars
Museum-panorama “The Borodino Battle” on Kutuzovsky Prospect in Moscow
Музея-панорамы «Бородинская битва»
The Battle of Borodino (a fragment)
The Battle of Borodino, detail 1
The Battle of Borodino, detail 2
The Battle of Borodino, detail 3
The Battle of Borodino (Russian: Бородинская битва, Borodinskaya bitva; French: Bataille de la Moskowa), fought on September 7, 1812, was the largest and bloodiest single-day action of the French invasion of Russia and all Napoleonic Wars, involving more than 250,000 troops and resulting in at least 70,000 casualties. The French Grande Armée under Emperor Napoleon I attacked the Imperial Russian Army of General Mikhail Kutuzov near the village of Borodino, west of the town of Mozhaysk, and eventually captured the main positions on the battlefield, but failed to destroy the Russian army. About a third of Napoleon's soldiers were killed or wounded; Russian losses, while heavier, could be replaced, since large forces of militia were already with the Russian Army and replacement depots which were close by had already been gathering and training troops. The battle itself ended with the Russian Army out of position. The state of exhaustion of the French forces and lack of information on the Russian Army's condition led Napoleon to remain on the battlefield with his army instead of the forced pursuit that had marked other campaigns that he had conducted in the past. The entirety of Napoleon's Imperial Guard, however, was still available to his disposition and in refusing to implement it he lost his singular chance to destroy the Russian army. The battle at Borodino was a pivotal point in the campaign, as it was the last offensive action fought by Napoleon in Russia. By withdrawing, the Russian army preserved its combat strength, eventually allowing it to force Napoleon out of the country. Historical reports of the battle differed markedly depending on whether they originated from supporters of the French or Russian sides.
Музе́й-панора́ма «Бороди́нская би́тва» открыт в 1962 году, на территории бывшей деревни Фили (ныне Кутузовский проспект). Основу мемориального комплекса составляет изба совета в Филях, восстановленная после пожара в 1887 году, и сама панорама Бородинской битвы, завершенная Францем Алексеевичем Рубо в 1912 году.
cat. 51
Russian infantry counterattacks Raevsky's battery Sketch for the panorama "Battle of Borodino" (fragment)
Oil on canvas 118,7 x 196,5 cm / 46,7 x 77,4 in.
National Military and History Museum-Reservation "Borodino", ГБМ-72 Ж-25
1912, 1986, 1999, 2007 (all exhibitions - Moscow)
Анфилатов /Anfilatov 2006, p. 10 – 15, ill.
cat. 52
Fight for Semyonovsky (Bagration’s) flêches
Sketch for the panorama "Battle of Borodino" (fragment)
Oil on canvas 119,3 x 196,5 cm / 47 x 77,4 in.
Inscribed: Шевардино
National Military and History Museum-Reservation "Borodino", ГБМ-74 Ж-24
1912, 1986, 1999, 2007 (all exhibitions - Moscow)
Анфилатов /Anfilatov 2006, p. 10 – 15, ill.
cat. 50
The Battle of Borodino Oil on canvas 15 x 115 mtr. / 16,4 x 125,8 yard
(after the fire in 1967: 15 x 38,4 mtr. / 16,4 x 32 yard)
Total surface 1725 m² (after the fire: 295,3 m²)
Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle",
Moscow, ОФ-1/Ж-27
1912, Munich; 1912 – 1917, Moscow; since 1962 permanently exhibited in specially built Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle" in Moscow
Principal sources and literature:
Archives of the Museum-panorama „The Borodino Battle“, Moscow: dep. 23, ПИ-321-338/1– 4; Russian State military-historical archives (РГВИА), Моscow: dep. 74; dep. 499, index 1, file 1907; dep. 544, index1, file 441; dep. 2000, index 2, т.1, file 1064; Das Panorama der Schlacht bei Borodino in: Münchener Neueste Nachrichten, 80, 15. Februar 1912; Ein Panorama der Schlacht bei Borodino in: Münchener Neueste Nachrichten, 269, 29. Mai 1912; [Chronik] in: Münchener Neueste Nachrichten, 286, 7. Juni 1912; Военно-историческая летопись 1912; Выписка из журнала заседаний Совета… 19.11.1911.; Протокол 38 заседания Исполнительной комиссии Особого Комитета по устройству в Москве Музея 1812 года; Панорама художника Рубо 1912; Панорама Бородинского боя 1912; Кравченко 1912, p. 3; Беляев 1913, p.15 – 17; Проект временного положения о панораме «Бородино» 1914, p. 1 – 2; Картина длиной в 165 метров 1928; Коненков, Герасимов, Машу-ровский 1957; Богуславский Панорама «Бородинская битва» 1962, p. 22 – 23; Богуславский 1812 год в русском искусстве 1962, p. 2 – 3; Клавдиев Панорама Бородинской битвы (Ф.А. Рубо) 1962, p.115 – 120; Клавдиев Панорама "Бородинская битва" 1962; Клавдиев 1963, p. 101 – 106; Слоневский 1965, p. 52 – 59; Бородинская панорама. Сборник статей 1966; Некрасова, Земцов 1969; Колосов 1970; Клавдиев 1972; Андреева 1979; 1812 год. Бородинская панорама 1982; Федорова 1982, p. 97 – 118; Бородинская панорама: Путеводитель 1985; Желаднова 1986; Nikolaeva 1992, p. 45 – 48; Labzina 1994, p. 7–14; Воточникова 1997; Монахов 1997; Панорама «Бородинская битва» 1997; Письма Ф.А.Рубо военному историку Б.М.Колюбакину и архитектору П.А. Bоронцову-Вельяминову 1997, p. 5 – 26; Николаева 2001, p. 77; Герасимова 2002, p. 19 – 30; Очерки по истории музея-панорамы «Бородинская битва» 2003; Бородино. Битва гигантов 2004; Герасимова 2004, p. 77; Панорама «Бородино»: начало истории 2004, p. 236 – 248; Андреева 2005, p. 42 – 47; Колосов 2005, p. 48 – 71); Малышкин 2005, p. 72 – 75; «…Необходимо… твердо держаться исторической правды» 2005, p. 94 – 109; Панорама «Бородино» в отечест-венной периодике 1912–1961 гг. 2005, p. 110 – 142; Анфилатов /Anfilatov 2006, p. 10 – 15; Герасимова / Guerassimova 2006, p. 20 – 25; Желаднова 2006, p. 54 – 67; Митрошенкова, Львов 2009; Митрошенкова, Львов 2010
In spring 1918 the panorama The battle of Borodino was rolled up and unprofessionally stored in Moscow causing severe damage to the painting. In 1962 a purposely built museum on Kutuzovsky prospect opened to the public showing the restored panorama . In 1967 a fire destroyed two thirds of the painting. Restorers with the M.B. Grekov atelier reconstructed the panorama, but deviating in parts from the original.
cat. 53
French cavalry charges Raevsky's battery
Sketch for the panorama "Battle of Borodino" (fragment)
Oil on canvas 119,3 x 196,6 cm / 47 x 77,4 in.
National Military and History Museum-Reservation "Borodino", ГБМ-73 Ж-23
1912, 1986, 1999, 2007 (all exhibitions - Moscow)
Анфилатов /Anfilatov 2006, p. 10 – 15, ill.
cat. 54
Russian infantry ready for combat behind village Semyonovskoe.
Sketch for the panorama "Battle of Borodino" (fragment)
Oil on canvas 119,6 x 196,7 cm / 47 x 77,4 in.
National Military and History Museum-Reservation "Borodino", ГБМ-71 Ж-22
1912, 1986, 1999, 2007 (all exhibitions - Moscow)
Анфилатов /Anfilatov 2006, p. 10 – 15, ill.
cat. 173
The Zaporozhian Cossacks attacking in the steppe ( Cossacks of the 17th century)
Oil on canvas 47,2 x 91 cm / 18,6 x 35,8 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: F.Roubaud 1881
Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle",
Moscow, ОФ-1446/Ж-78
Anichkov palast, St. Petersburg; Leningrad Museum Depots until 1928; Karelian Regional Museum until 1970
1882, St. Petersburg (no. 68); 1986, 1989, 1994, 1996, 2006 (p. 14, ill. 1) (all exhibitions - Moscow)
Булгаков 1890, p. 292; Агапов 1956; Полканов, 1956; Путеводитель 1970, p. 85; Лордкипанидзе 1982; Бородинская панорама 1985, p. 71; Зубов 2003; Очерки, 2003, p. 32, ill.
cat. 157 The captive
Oil on canvas 59 x 83,5 cm / 23,2 x 32,9 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Lempertz, Cologne,
17.11.1988 / lot 541;
Sotheby's, London,
29.11.2011 / lot 120
cat. 162 The fight for the standard
Oil on board 28 x 38 cm / 11,4 x 15,4 in.
Signed and inscribed l.r.: F. Roubaud / A. Frontiere - Andenken an September 1891
Neumeister, Munich,
06.07.1976 / lot 1382;
Hampel, Munich,
22.06.2007 / lot 184
cat. 167 Horsemen racing. A sketch
Oil on canvas 57 x 70 cm / 22,4 x 27,6 in.
Signed and dated l.l.: Ф. Рубo 1901
Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle",
Moscow, ОФ-1403/Ж-86
Purchased from S. E. Solodovnikov in 1970
1973, 1978, 1986, 1996, 2006 (p. 45, ill.) (all exhibitions - Moscow)
cat. 172 Who is fighting whom
Oil on canvas 65,5 x 93 cm / 25,8 x 36,6 in.
Signed l.l.: F. Roubaud
P. S. Gamsatova Dagestan Museum of Fine Arts, Machachkala, КП-190 / Ж-82
2011 - 12, Machachkala
cat. 394 Lone standard bearer
Oil on panel 40 x 25 cm 15,7 x 9,8 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Koller, Zürich,
19.09.2008 / lot 3202;
Neumeister, Munich,
03.12.2008 / lot 741;
Koller, Zürich,
27.03.2009 / lot 3230
Münchner Maler im 19. Jh., 1982, p. 396, no. 609, ill.;
Bühler 1993, p. 149, ill. 148, p. 162
cat. 403 The standard bearer and the warrior chief with his troop on horseback
Oil on panel 36 x 58,5 cm / 14,8 x 23 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Auktionshaus Leo Spik, Berlin,
21.03.1991 / lot 262;
12.12.2002 / lot 180;
Sotheby's, London,
21.05.2003 / lot 42
cat. 180 A skirmish in the snow Oil on canvas 85 x 155 cm / 33 x 61 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: F.Roubaud
Sotheby’s, London
, 22.06.1983, lot 165;
Neumeister, Munich,
12.09.1984 / lot 976;
30.06.2004 / lot 656
cat. 166 Attack
Oil on canvas 49,7 x 67,4 cm / 19,6 x 26,5 in.
Signed l.l.: F. Roubaud
National Art Museum, Minsk, РЖ-125
Purchased with the aid of the State Aquire Commission in 1945
Русская дореволюционная и советская живопись. В собрании Национального художественного музея Республики Беларусь. Каталог 1997 (cat. 1337)
cat. 8 Taking of aul Gimry on October 17, 1832
Oil on canvas 125 x 200 cm / 49,2 x 78,7 in.
Signed and dated l.l.: 1891 F.Roubaud
P. S. Gamsatova Dagestan Museum of Fine Arts, Machachkala, Ж-455
Property of Caucasian Museum of Military History, Tiflis
2011 - 12, Machachkala; 2012, Moscow
Эсадзе 1899, p. 5, 38, ill.; Чарская 1906, р. 24; Военная энциклопедия, т. 8, CПб. 1912, р. 322; Тифлис. Путеводитель 1915; Трунов 1955
Gimry (also spelled Gimri; Russian: Гимры) is a village (selo) in Untsukulsky District of the Republic of Dagestan, Russia. It is located in the mountain where Imam Chamil, the third Imam of Dagestan, was born. The aul (fortified village) of Gimry enjoyed an almost impregnable position, with only a single road leading up to it, and formed the centre of resistance in the early days of the holy war declared by Ghazi Mullah against the Russians. In October 1832, the Russian army, led by Klugenau and Veliyaminov, attacked Gimry. They discovered a narrow, difficult goat-path, but managed to drag their artillery along it, until they were within range of the aul. The fortifications were destroyed and the Russians succeeded in storming the aul. Imam Shamyl was one of the only two who managed to escape. Ghazi Mullah was discovered dead, in a position of prayer, according to the traditions.
cat. 5 The defeat of the Persian troops at Elisavetpol on September 13, 1826
Oil on canvas 249 x 355 cm / 98,4 x 139,8 in.
Signed l.l.: Франц А. Рубо
Museum of History of Azerbaijan, Baku, ИФ 157
Property of Caucasian Museum of Military History, Tiflis, until 1934
1887, Munich; 1889, St. Petersburg (no.15)
Чуйко 1889; Художественные новости, t. 8, 1889, April 15, col. 207-208; Булгаков 1890, р. 292; Живописное обозрение 1890, p. 275, ill.; Потто 1894, р. 16, ill.; Эсадзе 1899, р. 36, ill.; Каспари 1904, р. 81 - 82, ill.; Тифлис. Путеводитель 1915
cat. 9 Storming of aul Achulgo on August 22, 1839
Oil on canvas 338 x 428 cm / 133 x 168,5 in.
Signed and dated l.l.: Франц А. Рубо 1888
P. S. Gamsatova Dagestan Museum of Fine Arts,
Machachkala, Ж-457
Property of Caucasian Museum of Military History, Tiflis
1889, St. Petersburg (no. 1); 2011 - 12, Machachkala
Чуйко 1889; Живописное обозрение 1889, 44, р. 290 - 294, ill.; Художественные новости, t. 8, 1889, April 15, col. 207-208; Булгаков 1890, р. 292; Über Land und Meer 1891, p. 175; Эсадзе 1899, р. 40, ill.; Каспари 1904, p. 99 - 100, ill.; Чарская 1906, р. 25; Военная энциклопедия, т. 3, CПб. 1911, р. 298, ill.; Дагирова 2009; Дагирова 2011; Бесараб 2012; Ахмеднабиев 2012; Гамзатова 2012
cat. 21 Prince Argutinsky-Dolgorukov passing the Caucasian range in August and September 1853
Oil on canvas 125 x 200 cm / 49,2 x 78,7 in.
Signed and dated l.l.: F.Roubaud 1892
P. S. Gamsatova Dagestan Museum of Fine Arts,
Machachkala, Ж-456
Property of Caucasian Museum of Military History, Tiflis
1892, Berlin (no. 975); 2011 - 12, Machachkala
Родина 1897, 47, p. 1711 - 1712, ill.; Живописное обозрение 1899, 14, p. 272, ill.; Эсадзе 1899, p. 45; Каспари 1904, р. 109 - 110; Чарская 1906, р. 128; Тифлис. Указатель 1907; Военная энциклопедия, т. 3, CПб. 1911, p. 8, ill.; Тифлис. Путеводитель 1915
cat. 4 General Kotlyarevsky storming fortress Lenkoran on December 31, 1812
Oil on canvas 90,5 x 63,5 cm / 35,6 x 25 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: F.Roubaud 1893
Museum of History of Azerbaijan, Baku
Provenance: Property of Caucasian Museum of Military History, Tiflis, until 1934
Эсадзе 1899, p. 35; Каспари 1904, р. 69 - 70, ill.; Тифлис. Путеводитель 1915
cat. 1 Peter I. entering Tarki on August 13, 1722
Oil on canvas 135 x 200 cm / 53,1 x 78,7 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: F.Roubaud 1893
A. Tacho Godi Dagestan State Museum,
Machachkala, Ж-160
Property of Caucasian Museum of Military History, Tiflis
2011 - 2012, Machachkala
Эсадзе 1899, p. 2; Каспари 1904, р. 33 - 34; Родина 1901, 41, р. 1625 - 1626, ill., 1635 - 1636; Тифлис. Указатель 1907; Тифлис. Путеводитель 1915; История СССР. Альбом 1939; Эхо Кавказа 1996, 1 (10), р. 17, ill.
cat. 13 Russians fighting mountaineers
Sketch for "Storming of aul Achulgo"
Oil on canvas 51,7 x 76 cm / 20,4 x 29,9 in.
Signed lower centre: F. Roubaud, numbered l.r.: 8
Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle",
Moscow, ОФ-1002/Ж-72
Puchased from H.-A.I. Tsurksis in 1966
1986, 1989, 1996, 2004, 2006 (p. 17, ill. 4, p. 113) (all exhibitions - Moscow)
Самсонов М. 1981, р. 40; Лордкипанидзе 1982; Федорова 1982, р. 58, ill.; Зубов 2003, р. 11; Очерки 2003, ill.; Герасимова «Сильное и красивое искусство будущего» 2007, p. 119, ill.
cat. 3 A living bridge. An episode from colonel Karyagin's Muchrat-campaign in 1805
Oil on canvas 214 x 354,5 cm / 84,6 x 139,8 in.
Signed and dated l.l.: F.Roubaud 1897
Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle",
Moscow, ОФ-1884/Ж-101
Purchased from the exhibition in 1898;
State Hermitage, Leningrad, until 1974
Exhibitions: 1897, Munich (no. 1412, ill.); 1898, St. Petersburg (no. 202); 1971, 1973, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1986, 1996, 2004, 2006 (p. 26, ill. 15, p. 113 - 114) (all exhibitions - Moscow)
Новое время 1898, 7922, March 18 (30); Новое время 1898, 7922, March 18 (30), ill.; Родина 1900, 23, p. 903 - 905, ill.; К трехсотлетию царство-вания дома Романовых. Альбом. СПб. - Paris 1913, ill.; Агапов 1956; Андреева 1973, ill.; Лордкипанидзе 1982, ill.; Hикoлaeва 2003, p. 35, ill.; Герасимова «Меня следует считать русским художником» 2007, p. 96, ill.; Герасимова «Сильное и красивое искусство будущего» 2007, p. 118, ill.
cat. 19 Taking of aul Salty on September 14, 1847
Oil on canvas 125 x 195 cm / 49,2 x 76,8 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: Франц А. Рубо 1886
A. Tacho Godi Dagestan State Museum,
Machachkala, inv. Ж - 140
Property of Caucasian Museum of Military History, Tiflis
2011 - 2012, Machachkala
Всемирная иллюстрация 1888, 5, p. 88, ill.;
Эсадзе 1899, p. 43, ill.; Каспари 1904, p. 107 - 108, ill.; Чарская 1906, p. 126; Трунов 1955
cat. 685
A mole in Yalta
Oil on canvas 25 x 35,5 cm / 9,8 x 14 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: F.Roubaud 1882
M. I. Glinka State Museum of Musical Culture, Moscow, inv. 116
Collection N. S. Golovanov, Mosow
Государственный Центральный музей музыкальной культуры имени М. И. Глинки 2007 (cat. 26, ill.)
cat. 678 Away in the mountains in Mleti
Oil on canvas 77 x 62 cm / 30,3 x 24,4 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: F.Roubaud 1882
MacDougall's, London,
29.11.2007 / lot 142
Нива 1885, 45, p. 1085 (ill.); Федорова 1882, p. 14, ill. 3
Street in Yarmolnitsy in the province of Podolia
Oil on canvas 85 x 150 cm / 33,5 x 59,1 in.
Signed and dated l.l.: F. Roubaud 1897
Sotheby's, New York,
21.05.1987 / lot 60
Bühler 1993, p. 15, ill. 4, p. 162
cat. 692
Study of beeches
Oil on canvas on board 24,5 x 33,7 cm / 9,6 x 13,3 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: F. Roubaud (1)881
Neumeister, Munich,
28.03.2012 / lot 654
cat. 679
High mountains / landscape study for cat. 21
Oil on canvas 86 x 150,5 cm / 33,9 x 59,3 in.
Signed lower centre: F.Roubaud
Dobiaschofsky, Bern,
22.10.1994 / lot 1322;
28.10.1995 / lot 1132;
24.10.1997 / lot 897;
13.05.2005 / lot 897
cat. 707 Fortress Kars
Oil on canvas 45 x 31 cm / 17,7 x 12,2 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
N. Radishev State Museum of Fine Art, Saratov, Ж-1163
Provenance: Coll. M. N. Galkin-Vrassky until 1916
Водонос 1993, р. 18; Саратовский Государствен-ный художественный музей им. А. Н. Радищева. Русская живопись XVIII – начала XX века. Каталог 2004 (cat. 867)
cat. 693
Evening at the Chiemsee
Probably oil on canvas / size unknown
1894, Munich (no. 886, ill.)
cat. 663 A mountain village in the Caucasus / sketch
Oil on canvas 30 x 52 cm / 11,75 x 20,5 in.
Christie's, London,
02.12.2009 / lot 395
cat. 689
A steamboat cruising the Black Sea
Oil on canvas 69 x 101 cm / 27,25 x 39,75 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Christie's, London,
26.11.2008 / lot 351;
03.12.2009 / lot 4
The Siege of Sevastopol was a major siege during the Crimean War, lasting from September 1854 until September 1855.In September 1854, Allied troops (French, Ottoman and British) landed in the Crimea and besieged the city of Sevastopol, home of the Tsar's Black Sea Fleet which threatened the Mediterranean. Before it could be encircled, the Russian field army withdrew. At the start of October, French and British engineers, moving from their base at Balaclava, began to direct the building of siege lines along the Chersonese uplands to the south of Sevastopol. The troops dug redoubts, gun batteries and trenches. With the Russian army and its commander Prince Menshikov gone, the defence of Sevastopol was led by Vice Admirals Vladimir Kornilov and Pavel Nakhimov, assisted by Menshikov's chief engineer, Lieutenant Colonel Eduard Totleben. The military forces available to defend the city were 4,500 militia, 2,700 gunners, 4,400 marines, 18,500 naval seamen and 5,000 workmen, totalling just over 35,000 men. The Russians first began scuttling their ships to protect the harbour, then used their naval cannon as additional artillery and the ships' crews as marines. Those ships deliberately sunk by the end of 1855 included Grand Duke Constantine, City of Paris (both with 120 guns), Brave, Empress Maria, Chesme, Yagondeid (84 guns), Kavarna (60 guns), Konlephy (54 guns), steam frigate Vladimir, steamboats Thunderer, Bessarabia, Danube, Odessa, Elbrose and Krein. By mid-October 1854, the Allies had some 120 guns ready to fire on Sevastopol; the Russians had about three times as many to return fire and defend against attacking infantry. On October 17, 1854 (old style date, October 29 new style)[9] the artillery battle began. The Russian artillery first destroyed a French magazine, silencing their guns. British fire then set off the magazine in the Malakoff redoubt, killing Admiral Kornilov, silencing most of the Russian guns there and leaving a gap in the city's defences. However, the British and French withheld their planned infantry attack and a possible early end to the siege was missed. At the same time, the Allies' ships pounded the Russian defences, taking damage but inflicting little in return before their retirement. The bombardment resumed the following day; but, working overnight, the Russians had repaired the damage caused. This would become the pattern repeated throughout the siege. During October and November 1854, the battles of Balaclava and Inkerman took place beyond the siege lines. Balaclava provided a morale boost to the Russian and convinced them that the allied lines were thinly spread out and undermanned. But after being defeated at Inkerman, the Russians saw that the Sevastopol siege would not be lifted by a battle in the field and instead moved their troops piece by piece into the city to aid the defenders. Toward the end of November, the weather broke and winter brought a storm which ruined the Allies' camps and supply lines. Men and horses became sick and starved in the poor conditions. While Totleben extended the fortifications around the Redan, the Flagstaff Bastion and the Malakoff, the British chief engineer John Burgoyne sought to take the Malakoff, which he saw as the key to Sevastopol. Siege works were begun to bring the Allied troops nearer to the Malakoff; in response, Totleben dug rifle pits from where the Russians could snipe at the besiegers. In a foretaste of the trench warfare that became the hallmark of the First World War, these pits became the focus of Allied assaults.
The siege of Sevastopol (1854-1855) carried out by the allied troops lasted 349 days. On June 6(18), 1855 the Russians repelled an assault on the fortifications of the Korabelnaya quarter. Roubaud places the beholder of his panorama-painting on top of the Malakhov hill, where the defenders inflicted a first defeat to the French-English army.
On May 14 (27), 1905 a panorama-rotunda (diameter 36 m. / height 36 m.) was opened to commemorate the event.
World War II bestowed another siege upon Sevastopol. German air force (Luftwaffe) provided effective aerial bombardment in support of the ground forces. On July 3, 1942, the remaining Soviet forces surrendered. Nine days earlier on June 25 a German bomb hit the panorama-rotunda and set fire to Roubaud’s painting. Rescue workers cut up parts of the canvas and saved them. The destroyer Tashkent, the last ship to leave, carried these fragments from the sieged Sevastopol.
The saved fragments had unfortunately suffered to such an extent that 17 Moscow painters were commissioned to recreate the panorama after Roubaud. Today the original fragments are kept in storage. On October 16, 1954 the reconstructed panorama- rotunda was reopened to the public to commemorate 100 years of the defense of Sevastopol.
Copy made between 1952 - 55 by 17 painters from Moscow after the original by F. Roubaud, partly destroyed in 1942
The Storming on June 6, 1855 or The Defense of Sevastopol
cat. 122 10th battery of cavalry artillery departs to its position in the battle of Inkerman under the presence of Grand Dukes Nikolai Nikolaevitch and Michail Nikolaevitch Oil on canvas 150 x 270 cm / 59 x 106 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: Ф. А. Рубo 1905
Black Sea Navy Museum, Sevastopol, inv. 372
Given to the museum by the artist in 1905
cat. 104 Sailors pulling a rope - study for The Storming on June 6, 1855
Oil on board 50 x 72,5 cm / 19,7 x 28,5 in.
Signed and dated in the centre: Ф. А. Рубо 30 августа 1902 г.
Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle",
Moscow, ОФ-1195/Ж-77
1986, 1987, 1996, 2006 (p. 52, ill. 38, p. 116) (all exhibitions - Moscow)
Самсонов 1981, р. 42, ill.; Андреева 1982
cat. 121 The 10th battery firing at the English and French squadron on October 5, 1854
Oil on canvas 159 x 244 cm / 58,8 x 96 in.
Signed l.r.: Ф. А. Рубо
Central Navy Museum, St. Petersburg, Ж-1022
Black Sea Navy Museum, Sevastopol, until 1953
Героическая оборона Севастополя 1955, p. 24, ill.; Живопись Центрального военно-морского музея 1970, Nr. 80; Раздолгин А. А., Фатеев М. А. На румбах морской славы. Л., 1988, р. 172; Военно-морской флот России в произведениях отечест-венной живописи 1696-1917, p. 75, no. 155
cat. 142 Dante and Vergil mourning.
or After the battle
Oil on canvas 70 x 105 cm / 27,6 x 41,3 in.
Signed and dated l.l.: F. Roubaud 1915
Bühler 1993, p. 145, ill. 142, p. 163
Probably 1916, Munich (no. 1793); 1928, Munich
cat. 136 Russian infantry defending the hills above Port Arthur in 1905
Oil on canvas 127 x 220 cm / 50 x 86,6 in.
Signed, inscribed, and dated l.l.: Francois Roubaud. St. Petersbourg 1907
Auktionshaus Leo Spik, Berlin,
18.03.1976 / lot 187;
12.10.2000 / lot 259 compare to other version: cat. 135 Novocherkassky regiment fighting at Shacha river
Oil on canvas 137 x 227 cm / 51 x 89 in.
Signed, dated, and inscribed l.l.: Ф. А. Рубo Cпб. 1907
Military Historical Museum of Artillery,
St. Petersburg, inv. 3/1446
Museum of Military History and Life (ВИБМ), Leningrad, until 1937
Артиллерийский исторический музей. Каталог произведений 1959 (cat. 298)
cat. 106 Wounded soldiers and a soldier with a rifle - study for The Storming on June 6, 1855
Oil on board 49,7 x 65,4 cm / 19,6 x 25,7 in.
National Museum of the Heroic Defence and Liberation of Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Ж-67
1986, Sevastopol
Севастопольской панораме 100 лет, 2005, р. 114;
Костюченко, Гюнерфаут 2006, p. 44, 45, ill.12
cat. 131 Alexander III's inspection of his troops near Tiflis
Oil on canvas 46 x 95 cm / 18,3 x 37,8 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: F.Roubaud 1893
Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle",
Moscow, ОФ-1712/Ж-88
Coll. A. P. Russov, Odessa;
Odessa Museum of Arts, until 1971
1969, Leningrad; 1971, 1973, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1986, 1994, 1996, 2001 (all exhibitions - Moscow); 1990, Odessa; 1997, Volgograd; 2006, Moscow (p. 29, 114, ill. 17)
Каталог картинной галереи А. П. Руссова 1905 (cat. 368); Очерки 2003, ill.
cat. 134 The two Grand-Dukes Sergei Alexandrovich and Vladimir Alexandrovich on horseback (erroneusly described in the auction catalogue as: Tsar Nikolai II and Grand-Duke Nikolai Nikolaievich Romanov)
Oil on canvas 57,9 x 81,5 cm / 22,8 x 32,1 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Ruef, Munich,
13.12.2010 / lot 162
cat. 433 Rider in the Caucasus mountains - originally titled: From the life in the Caucasus. On their way back to the Russian fortification
Oil on canvas 79 x 100 cm / 31 x 39,4 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: F.Roubaud 1884
Kabardino-Balcarian Art Museum, Nalchik, inv. 15
State Museum Depot until 1925; Kabardino-Balkarian Regional Museum, Nalchik, until 1960
1990, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001 - 2005 (all exhibitions - Nalchik)
Живописное обозрение 1891, 30, p. 68 (ill.), 71; Шлыков 1964, ill.; Джеладзе, Шлыков 1964, р. 12
cat. 420 Caucasian horseman with a guitar fording a river, followed by horse-drawn carriages
Oil on panel 35,4 x 22,5 cm / 13,9 x 8,9 in.
(33 x 20 cm / 13 x 7,9 in. - measured by Koller)
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Koller, Zürich,
19.09.2008 / lot 3208
Bühler 1993, p. 150, ill. 149, p. 162
cat. 465 Encampment
Oil on canvas 86 x 150,5 cm / 33,9 x 59 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Galerie Fischer, Luzern,
16.06.1967 / lot 441;
with James Butterwick, London;
Sotheby's, London,
12.06.2007 / lot 16
cat. 464 Mountaineers resting
Oil on canvas 71 x 100,5 cm / 28 x 39,4 in.
Signed and dated l.l.: F. Roubaud 1900
Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle",
Moscow, ОФ-5314/Ж-221
Collection Rubinstein, Moscow;
collection R. G. Kosiner, until 1984
1986, 1989, 1994, 1996, 2006 (all exhibitions - Moscow)
cat. 455 Circassian horsemen resting
Oil on canvas 59,5 x 83 cm / 23,25 x 32,75 in.
Signed and dated l.l.: F.Roubaud 1917
with Galerie Del Vecchio, Leipzig;
Christie's, London,
13.06.2007 / lot 6;
Sotheby's, London,
07.06.2011 / lot 105;
MacDougall's, London
30.05.2012 / lot 302
cat. 474 Caravan resting
Oil (support unknown) (size unknown)
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Bühler 1993, p. 139, ill. 135, p. 162
cat. 432 Circassian troops with musician
Oil on canvas 117 x 170 cm / 46 x 67 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Galerie Fischer, Luzern,
16.06.1967 / lot 440;
Leo Spik, Berlin,
29.03.1990 / lot 297;
09.12.1993 / lot 567;
09.10.1997 / lot 582;
09.12.1999 / lot 591
cat. 429 Circassian prince fording a river with his troop and musicians
Oil on canvas laid down on masonite
70 x 99 cm / 28 x 39 in.
Signed lower left centre: F.Roubaud
Neumeister, Munich,
20.09.1989 / lot 720
cat. 449 Horsemen resting near a creek
Oil on canvas 70 x 100 cm / 27,6 x 39,8 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Neumeister, Munich,
30.11.1979 / lot unknown;
Auktionshaus Spik, Berlin,
27.03.1980 / lot 233;
Nagel, Stuttgart,
23.09.1995 / lot 2117;
Private collection of Gert Nagel;
Nagel, Stuttgart,
24.02.2011 / lot 993
cat. 490
Oil on canvas 31,5 x 55,7 cm / 12,4 x 21,9 in.
Signed and dated l.l.: F.Roubaud 1881
V. V. Vereshagin Art Museum, Nikolaev, Ж-579
Coll.. Patinioti, Odessa, until 1963
1958, Odessa (p. 24, ill.)
Николаевский художественный музей. Каталог 1966, р. 18; Николаевский областной художест-венный музей. Путеводитель 2004 (2007), р. 8, ill
cat. 499
A Prince with his hunters leaving a city
Oil on canvas 61 x 92 cm / 24 x 36,2 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Sotheby's, London,
27.11.1991 / lot 145
Bühler 1993, p. 137, ill. 133, p. 162
cat. 558 A game of Buzkashi / Kokpar
Oil on canvas 80 x 126 cm / 31,5 x 49,6 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Auktionshaus Karbstein, Düsseldorf,
15.09.1990 / lot 106;
Neumeister, Munich,
22.09.2004 / lot 704
cat. 550 A game of Buzkashi / Kokpar
Oil on canvas 59 x 83 cm / 23 x 32,7 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Auktionshaus Vogler, Basel,
24.11.2007 / lot 509
cat. 553 Baiga, a national game in Samarkand Oil on canvas 60 x 83 cm / 23 x 32,7 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Auktionshaus Leo Spik, Berlin,
05.03.1970 / lot unknown
1889, St. Petersburg (no. 14);
1906, Munich (no. 681)
Чуйко 1889; Булгаков 1890, р. 292;
Bühler 1993, p. 91, ill. 95, p. 163
cat. 559 A game of Buzkashi / Kokpar
Oil on canvas 108 x 178 cm / 42,5 x 70,1 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Sotheby's, London,
19.11.2003 / lot 65
cat. 504
A rider being attacked by a tiger
Oil on canvas 65 x 53 cm / 25,6 x 20,9 in.
Signed l.l.: Ф. А. Рубо
Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle",
Moscow, ОФ-917/Ж-49
Purchased from N. L. Taradina in 1966
Exhibition: 1968, 1971, 1972, 1996, 2006 (p. 39, ill. 26, p. 115) (all exhibitions - Moscow)
cat. 554 A game of Buzkashi / Kokpar
Oil on canvas 60 x 84 cm / 23,5 x 33,1 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Horta, Brussels,
13.11.2000 / lot 124;
Sotheby's, London,
31.05.2001 / lot 70
cat. 496
Departure of falconers
Oil on canvas 59 x 83 cm / 23,2 x 32,7 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Dorotheum, Vienna,
12.10.2010 / lot 129
or go to: Buzkashi dans le film 'Les Cavaliers' de John Frankenheimer
cat. 575
In the field
Oil on canvas 127 x 194 cm / 50 x 76, 4 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle",
Moscow, ОФ-1192/Ж-75
Purchased in 1967
1901, Spring exhibition, St. Petersburg
cat. 640
Prinzregent Luitpold von Bayern with his sister Adelgunde, Duchessa di Modena, on the skerries of the Chiemsee close to Prien / Stock
Oil on canvas 58 x 84 cm / 23,4 x 33,1 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Heimatmuseum Prien, Chiemsee
Münchner Maler im 19. Jh., 1982, p. 398, no. 613, ill.;
Bühler 1993, p. 141, ill. 136, p. 163
cat. 615
Still life
Oil on canvas 97,5 x 69,5 cm / 38,4 x 27,4 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Auktionshaus Stahl, Hamburg,
03.12.2005 / lot 82;
Sotheby's, London,
31.05.2006 / lot 58
Probably exhibited in Munich 1928
cat. 597 In the province of Tavria
Oil on canvas 40 x 68 cm / 15,6 x 26,8 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: F.Roubaud 1883
Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle",
Moscow, ОФ-1193/Ж-76
Coll. C. E. Kryshanovskaya until 1966
1958, Kiev; 1986, 1989, 1994, 1996, 2006 (p. 22, ill. 21, p. 114) (all exhibitions - Moscow)
Украинская энциклопедия T. 12, 1963, p. 418; Андреева 1973, ill.; Андреева 1982, p. 62; Зубов 2003, p. 6; Очерки 2003, p. 32
cat. 644
Portrait of sculptor Vladimir A. Beklemishev A sketch
Oil on board 43 x 35 cm / 16,9 x 13,8 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: 9 октября 1901 Ф. А. Рубо
Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle",
Moscow, ОФ-854/Ж-68
Purchased from E. M. Weissblatt in 1965
1958, Kiev (no. 190); 1986, Moscow; 1996, Moscow; 2006, Moscow (p. 49, ill. 36, p. 116)
cat. 598
In the Orient
Oil on panel 67,5 x 49 cm / 26,2 x 19 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: Ф. А. Рубо 1901
Regional Museum, Pereslavl-Zalessky, ПЗМ-13 Ж-32
Coll. I. P. Sveshnikov; Rumyantsev Museum
Moscow until 1918
1986, Moscow
Игнатович Т.Н. Картины Румянцевского музея в музейных собраниях живописи России и соседних государств 2009, p. 9
cat. 590
Peasants awaiting the train
Oil on canvas 65 x 100 cm / 25,6 x 39,4 in. Signed and dated l.r.: F.Roubaud 1882
Kunstvereins Aphorismen in: Neueste Nachrichten und Münchener Anzeige 1882, 8. April, no. 98, p. 1
cat. 642
Tsar Alexander III travelling in the Caucasus
Oil on canvas 58 x 104 cm / 22,75 x 41 in.
Signed and dated l.l.: F.Roubaud 1891
Auktionshaus Plückbaum, Bonn,
31.05.2006 / lot unknown;
Sotheby's, London,
31.05.2006 / lot 48
cat. 588 Postal station with a troika and another horse-drawn carriage
Oil on canvas 60 x 82 cm / 23,6 x 32,3 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: F.Roubaud (1913)?
Verso inscribed: 'Poststation im Kaukasus'
Auktionshaus Zeller, Bodensee Lindau,
09.04.2011 / lot 2976;
25.06.2011 / lot 2519
1916, Munich (no. 1794)
cat. 525 Market in Samarkand
Probably oil on canvas / size unknown
Signed and dated l.r.: F.Roubaud 1889
1889, St Petersburg (no. 10), 1889, Munich (no. 866a)
Чуйко 1889; Булгаков 1890, р. 292; Boetticher II, 1, no. 6; Die Kunst für Alle 1892, p. 245; Родина 1899, 33, p. 1287 - 1288, ill. 131
cat. 511
Market in the Caucasus
Oil on canvas 40,5 x 51 cm / 15,9 x 20,1 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Auktionshaus Leo Spik, Berlin,
22.09.1950 / lot unknown;
Neumeister, Munich,
21.03.2001 / lot 940;
17.03.2004 / lot 589
cat. 514
A street market in Samarkand
Oil on canvas 80 x 125,5 cm / 31,5 x 49,5 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Zürichsee Auktionen, Erlenbach,
31.03.2004 / lot 9
cat. 510
Samarkand. A sketch
Oil on canvas 38 x 45,5 cm / 15 x 17,9 in.
Signed l.r.: F. Roubaud
The State Republic of Tatarstan Museum of Fine Arts, Kasan, Ж-73
Art school of Kasan until 1931
1983, Kasan
Булгаков 1890, р. 292; Журналы ИАХ в 1901, р. 67; Музей Императорской Академии художеств 1915; p. XIII, cat. 749; Корнилов 1927, р. 29, no. 67; Государственный музей Татарской АССР. Каталог 1956, р. 39
cat. 521
Shopping street close to the Registan square in the heart of the ancient city of Samarkand
Oil on canvas 100 x 65 cm / 39 x 25,7 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: F.Roubaud 88
Nagel, Stuttgart,
lot 2627;
Christie's, Paris,
04.11.2011 / lot 12
Die Kunst für Alle 1889, 24, p. 370;
Bühler 1993, p. 83, Ill. 87, p. 162
cat. 520
Caucasian market (Market in Vladikavkas)
Oil on canvas 95 x 180,5 cm / 37,4 x 71 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: F.Roubaud 1883
Museo Revolltella di Trieste, inv. 82
Acquired in 1885
1883, Munich (no.1712)
Boetticher II, 1, no. 1; Über Land und Meer 1885, p. 632, 634; Museo Revolltella di Trieste. Catalogo 1933, no. 104
© courtesy of Paolo Bonassi, photographer at Museo Revoltella
cat. 517 Market day
Oil on canvas 85 x 150 cm / 33,5 x 59,1 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Sotheby's, London, 01.12.2005 / lot 38
cat. 522
Registan square in the heart of the ancient city of Samarkand
Oil on canvas laid down on panel
150,5 x 95 cm / 59,25 x 37,4 in
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Auktionshaus Ettle, Frankfurt,
20.05.1941 / lot unknown;
Auktionshaus Leo Spik, Berlin,
14.10.1976 / lot 209;
Koller, Zürich,
19.09.2008 / lot 3219A;
Sotheby's, London,
10.06.2009 / lot 317
cat. 512
Central Asian horse market
Oil on canvas 70,5 x 100,5 cm / 27,75 x 39,5 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Ketterer, Hamburg,
01.12.2000 / lot 285;
23.05.2001 / lot 321;
Sotheby's, London,
20.11.2001 / lot 65;
30.11.2010 / lot 146
cat. 301 A Cossack on a snowy mountain pass
Oil on canvas 62 x 37 cm / 24,3 x 14,5 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: F. Roubaud 1892
Auktionshaus Germann, Zürich,
05.06.2002 / lot 99;
Sotheby's, London,
21.05.2003 / lot 46
cat. 297 A Circassian horseman
Oil on canvas 60 x 35,5 cm / 23,6 x 14 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
verso inscribed: für Wilhelm Busch
Possibly Wilhelm Busch, Wiedensahl, Germany
(inscription on the stretcher);
Auktionshaus Mehlis, Plauen,
28.11.2008 / lot 15198;
Christie's, London,
09.06.2009 / lot 26; im Kinsky, Vienna,
20.04.2010 / lot 326 coll. Dr. M. Imhof, Petersberg Literature (not listed in bibliography): Michael Imhof, Pferde. Kunst von der Antike bis heute, Petersberg 2010, ill.
cat. 358 Cossacks. A sketch in oil
Oil on canvas 147 x 95,5 cm / 57,8 x 37,6 in.
Signed l.r.: F. Roubaud
V. V. Vereshagin Art Museum, Nikolaev, inv. Ж-697
Given to the newly found museum by the Academy of Arts in 1914; looted during WW II; discovered in a private collection in Odessa; restituted to the museum in 1966
Каталог Общества изящных искусств им. В. В. Верещагина 1914 (cat. 22); Николаевский государственный художественный музей им. В. В. Верещагина 1997, p. 64
cat. 281 An Arab on horseback
Oil on canvas 40 x 54 cm / 15,8 x 21,25 in.
Signed l.r.: Ф. Рубо
Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle",
Moscow, OФ-1411/Ж-87
Puchased from A. F. Demidova in 1970
1971, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1986, 1989, 1994, 2006 (p. 38, ill.25, p. 115) (all exhibitions - Moscow)
Очерки 2003, ill.; Календарь 2006, ill.
cat. 280 A horseman with a lance
Oil on panel 39,8 x 32 cm / 15,7 x 12,6 in.
Signed, dated and inscribed with the artist's hand l.r.: А. П. Соколову в знак памяти 1886 г. Ф. Рубо
Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle",
Moscow, OФ-9864/Ж-193
1994, bought at Alfa-Art Auctions, Moscow
1996, 2006 (p. 18, ill. 5, p. 113) (all exhibitions - Moscow)
Очерки 2003, ill.
cat. 340 Circassians crossing with ox-drawn carriages a mountain
Oil on canvas 59 x 83,5 cm / 23,2 x 32,9 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Ruef, Munich,
15.03.2012 / lot 56
cat. 274 A horseman / A study
Oil on panel 31 x 22 cm / 11,9 x 8,5 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: Фр. А. Рубо 86
Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle",
Moscow, OФ-360/Ж-40
Coll. H.-A.I. Tsurksis, until 1963;
1986, 1996, 2006 (p. 23, ill. 11, p. 113)
Путеводитель 1970; Самсонов 1981, p. 40; Андреева 1982, p. 61 - 62, ill.; Лордкипандзе 1982; Очерки 2003, p. 33
cat. 338 Circassian horsemen on high plain Oil on canvas 59 x 83,5 cm / 23,2 x32,9 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Lempertz, Cologne,
19.11.2011 / lot 1468
cat. 362 Riders
Oil on canvas 94 x 130 cm / 37 x 51,2 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: Ф. Рубо 1903
State Art Museum Nishni Novgorod, inv. 994
The Lukyanov secondary school until 1939
Горьковский государственный художественный музей 1949, р. 61; Горьковский государственный художественный музей 1957, р. 55
cat. 210 Armenian family fording a river
Oil on canvas 50,3 x 40,5 cm 19,8 x 15,9 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Christie's, London,
25.03.2004 / lot 209;
23.03.2005 / lot 254;
14.03.2007 / lot 210
cat. 218 Circassian horsemen fording a river with horse-drawn carriages
Oil on canvas 59 x 83,5 cm / 23,2 x 32,9 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Auktionshaus Zeller, Bodensee Lindau,
22.09.2005 / lot 1495
cat. 204 Circassians fording a river
Oil on canvas 85 x 110 cm / 33,5 x 43,3 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Hampel, Munich,
07.12.2007 / lot 598
1919, Munich, no. 941, ill.
cat. 219 Armenian family fording a river
Oil on canvas 60 x 80 cm / 23,6 x 31,5 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Neumeister, Munich,
12.12.1990 / lot 683;
Nagel, Stuttgart,
05.12.1992 / lot 3183
cat. 215 Circassian horsemen fording a river with horse-drawn carriages
Oil on canvas 59 x 81 cm / 23,2 x 31,9 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Ruef, Munich,
07.11.2002 / lot 1256;
Sotheby's, London,
19.11.2003 / lot 63
cat. 221 Circassian convoy fording a river with horse-drawn carriages
Oil on canvas 60 x 84 cm / 23,6 x 33,1 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Nagel, Stuttgart,
04.12.1991 / lot 2420;
MacDougall's, London,
28.11.2005 / lot 83
cat. 216 Circassian horsemen fording a river with horse-drawn carriages
Oil on canvas 59 x 83,5 cm / 23,4 x 32,9 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Neumeister, Munich,
29.11.1978 / lot 1570;
Sotheby's, London,
23.11.1983 / lot 152;
Nagel, Stuttgart,
01.12.1988 / lot unknown;
Hampel, Munich,
01.07.2011 / lot 912
cat. 200 Circassian convoy fording a river
Oil on canvas 59 x 83 cm / 22,8 x 32,3 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Sotheby's, London,
23.11.1983 / lot 151;
Christie's, London,
06.10.1988 / lot 443;
Nagel, Stuttgart,
Christie's, London,
30.11.2004 / lot 30;
02.12.2009 / lot 398
Bühler 1993, p. 81, ill. 85, p. 162
cat. 203 Circassian convoy fording a river with a horse-drawn carriage
Oil on canvas 80 x 125 cm / 31,5 x 49,3 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Christie's, New York,
30.10.2001 / lot 112;
Zürichsee Auktionen, Erlenbach,
10.06.2005 / lot 2291;
Sotheby's, London,
01.12.2005 / lot 43
cat. 230 Circassians fording a river
Oil on canvas 45 x 75 cm / 17,7 x 29,5 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Dorotheum, Vienna,
11.10.2011 / lot 112
cat. 233 Circassian troops fording a river
Oil on canvas 70 x 113 cm / 27,8 x 44,1 in.
Signed lower right centre: F.Roubaud
Neumeister, Munich,
unknown date / lot 1764;
21.09.2005 / lot 808
cat. 255 Crossing the mountain river
Oil on canvas 56 x 101 cm / 22 x 39,8 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Museum-panorama "The Borodino Battle",
Moscow, ОФ-871/Ж-69
Puchased from M. Ya. Dementyeva in 1965
1986, 1989, 1994, 1996, 2004 (State Historical Museum); 2006, Moscow (all exhibitions - Moscow)
Андреева 1982, р. 63; Лордкипанидзе 1982; Зубов 2003, р. 7; Очерки 2003, р. 33, 35, ill.
cat. 231 Circassians fording a river
Oil on canvas 60 x 83 cm / 23,6 x 32,7 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Ruef, Munich,
13.12.1991 / lot 824
cat. 240 Circassians fording a river with an ox-drawn cart
Oil on panel 33 x 42,5 cm / 13 x 16,7 in.
Signed and dated l.r.: F.Roubaud 1892
Hampel, Munich,
18.09.2009 / lot 1066;
Sotheby's, London,
09.06.2010 / lot 144
cat. 232 Circassians fording a river
Oil on canvas 70 x 100 cm / 27,6 x 39,4 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Lempertz, Cologne,
14.05.1994 / lot 684;
Neumeister, Munich,
17.03.2004 / lot 588
cat. 251 An Armenian family fording a river
Oil on canvas 70 x 100 cm / 27,6 x 39,4 in.
Signed l.r.: F.Roubaud
Christie's, New York,
30.10.1992 / lot 110;
Neumeister, Munich,
22.11.2004 / lot 706;
Sotheby's, London,
19.05.2005 / lot 48;
MacDougall's, London,
27.11.2006 / lot 13
cat. 254 Circassians fording a river
Oil on canvas 85,3 x 150 cm / 33,6 x 59,1 in.
Signed lower centre: F.Roubaud
Dorotheum, Vienna,
29.11.2006 / lot 116;
Sotheby's, London,
12.06.2007 / lot 20;
25.11.2008 / lot 421
cat. 234 Circassian convoy fording a river with ox-drawn carriages
Oil on canvas 80,5 x 125 cm / 31,7 x 49,2 in.
Signed l.l.: F.Roubaud
Sotheby's, London,
01.12.2004 / lot 44